해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Chic Leaf Palm Leaf Plates Like Disposable Bamboo Plates 6 Inch Square 20 Pack - Appetizer and Dessert Plates Set - 100% Biodegradable and Compostable - Better than Plastic and Paper Plates

상품번호 B09QD27FZD
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상품가격 $16.99
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The strongest palm leaf plates set with 20 disposable 6 inch square plates made from Areca Palm Leaf. Heavy duty design that won\'t break or sag on your guests. Our palm plates are as sturdy as bamboo plates and wooden plates without any chemical treatment.Great for parties, weddings, BBQ, luau, and tiki themed parties. Designed to be used as bamboo appetizer plates or dessert plates. Also great as cocktail plates they are biodegradable and compostable for a zero carbon footprint. Recycled plates.Plates handcrafted by artisans using natural leaves gathered, sanitized, and handmade into eco friendly plates. Chic Leaf plates are made only from premium palm leaves to safely hold many different kinds of food.Appetizer plates - We\'ve put together 20 of our 6 inch square areca palm plates into one economical set perfect for any party. Microwave safe.You will find these will quickly become your favorite disposable plates. Many people are stocking up with several sets to use for every day and parties.

2024-11-27 05:45:27

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