해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pyle PP777 Phono Turntable Preamp Mini Electronic Audio Stereo Phonograph Preamplifier Input, RCA Output & Low Noise Operation Powered by 12 Volt DC Adapter

상품번호 B09QHB8SHR
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상품가격 $24.99
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CONVERTS PHONO SIGNALS: A turntable preamp that converts phono signals to Line Level Signals. This state-of-the-art circuitry phono preamp can accommodate magnetic pickups with an input sensitivity of 3mV at 50K OhmsLOW NOISE OPERATION: Offers outstanding performance with it’s Low-Noise Audio Operational Amplifiers. The output is 2V max (P-P) at 10K Ohms. It’s better to position the preamp close to the source to reduce unwanted noise and interference.CONNECTS TO TURNTABLES: Connect any turntable to modern sound equipment without specialized phono input for amplifying music. For the receiver, this can be connected to speakers, computers, laptops and more.SIMPLE PLUG & PLAY: This mini preamp has stereo RCA inputs and stereo RCA outputs. Connect the turntable to the RCA inputs and ground. Then, connect the amplifier receiver to the RCA outputs. It also comes with a 12DC adaptor1 YEAR WARRANTY: We guarantee this electric phono preamplifier with both a 30 day no hassle money back return policy and a 1 year manufacturer’s guarantee.
Features: - Converts Phono Signals to Line Level Signals - RCA Input - RCA and 1/4” Jack Output - State-of-the-Art Circuitry Accommodates Magnetic Pickups - Ultra-Low Noise Operation Improves Sound Performance - Connects to Turntables and Other Studio Equipment - Power On/Off Switch What\'s in the Box: - Phono Turntable Preamp - 12DC Adaptor Technical Specs: - Input Sensitivity: 3mV at 50K Ohms (Phono) - Dedicated RCA and 1/4\'\' Output Connectors - Output: 2V max (P-P) at 10K Ohms - DC 12-Volt Power Adapter Included - Frequency Response: 20 Hz ~ 20 KHz ±2dB - S/N Ratio (A-WTD): 70 dB - Output Level: 2V - Input Sensitivity/Impedance/Phono 3 mV / 50K Ohms - Load Impedance: 10K Ohms - Reference Voltage: 1V d - Dimensions (W x H x D): 3.54" x 2.13" x 1.02"

2025-01-06 16:45:21

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