해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Chaheati 7V Portable Heated Seat Pad with Multiple Warming Panels and Touch-button Control Technology ¬– Battery-operated Lightweight Seat Heating Pad for Outdoor Activities – Black Heather Heathered

상품번호 B09QLDP8BF
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Sports & Outdoor Recreation Accessories
브랜드 Brand: The Warming Store
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $79.99
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ENHANCED COMFORT – This outdoor heated seating pad is the versatile piece of battery heat you have been looking for! Its multiple warming panels and large dimension let you decide where to bring the heatMULTI-USE – Use the seated heating pad when you are waiting for your prey out hunting, while inside a sleeping bag on a frosty night, while sitting on the sidelines of all your spectator sports, or anywhere you want to keep the chill away!EASY TO USE – Just pop in the high-power 7-volt battery, choose from one of three heat settings and enjoy the heat for hours. The heated seat pad for outdoor features a lightweight design for easy portabilityPRACTICAL DESIGN: This heating pad seat is designed with four LED power indicators to display power bank battery life. It showcases a perfect combination of comfort, versatility, and warmthPACKAGE CONTAINS – Each set comes complete with 1 x Chaheati 7V outdoor heated seat pad with a touch-button control, 1 x 7V Power Bank, and 1 x Charger. Easy to use, it allows you to stay warm longer than ever before
Stay warm and enjoy your favorite outdoor winter activities longer than before using the practical and innovative Chaheati 7V Portable Heating Seat Pad. It is exquisitely crafted from premium-quality materials to ensure excellent durability and strength. Just fully charge power banks with the supplied charger kit, connect the power bank to the USB plug, and press and hold touch-button control on this heated outdoor seat pad for 3 seconds. There are four LED power indicators on the seat pad that display power bank battery life. This heated pad for outdoor seating is designed in a large dimension and has multiple warming panels for excellent comfort and warmth.

2024-07-12 00:07:32

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