해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hickey Freeman 100% Italian Cashmere Hat for Men – Ultra-Soft Men’s Knit Luxury Beanie

상품번호 B09QVD1YR1
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상품가격 $39.95
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***Fine Finishing Touches With Classic Inspirations*** While your hat may be the last thing you put on and first thing you take off, this essential accessory keeps you warm and completes your look. At Hickey Freeman, we create beautifully crafted, classic designs that defy fickle fads and add a touch of elegance to any wardrobe. Our luxury cashmere is from Italy and takes any outfit up a notch, for a flawless finish and effortless sophistication. Whether you pair yours with a wool coat, scarf, and gloves, or with a black leather bomber and casual striped sweater on a crisp fall night, this ultra-soft, versatile piece can instantly upgrade your look. We craft our designer mens caps with a little touch of stretch to keep you comfortable and warm in the cold weather without a tight or uncomfortable fit. This sleek fashion accessory is sleek and versatile and can complement any outfit. The stylish, modern look features a traditional fit and lavish feel that goes well with both formal wear and casual attire and a traditional knitted style that is both memorable and unique. Our comfy guys hats make lovely Father’s Day, birthday, anniversary, Christmas, and graduation gifts, with high-end detailing and rich solid coloring. Please note that this piece is dry clean or hand wash only and is not machine washable. Two young entrepreneurs named Jacob Freeman and Jeremiah Hickey started Hickey Freeman in the early years of the 20th century. Their plan was to bring the delicate artistry of hand-craftsmanship to the steady consistency of modern technology. 120 years later, Hickey Freeman Tailored Clothing continues to believe in investing in America by manufacturing, hiring, and training domestically. We support our veterans through donations, career development opportunities, and transition programs. Our premium products are made with the compassion, innovation, and inclusivity that brings us all together and sets us apart from the rest.

2025-01-07 09:37:26

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