해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Velscrun Girls Rapunzel Crown, Crowns for Girls, Princess Crown for Girls, Girls Tiaras Headband, Girls Crown Princess Tiara, Multicolored Crown Headbands for Birthday Party and Halloween Cosplay

상품번호 B09R43D33M
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상품가격 $9.99
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【Design source】: This crown is based on the colorful rainbow in nature, I hope our girls can fly freely in the sky like happy birds, swim happily in the sea like small fish, be free and happy grow up【Minimal weight】: The crown is only 0.95 grams. Putting it on your girls head, which just like a feather on your head, you don\'t need to worry that the girls can\'t bear it. And the girls won\'t feel any sense of weight, because the crown is as light as if it does not exist.【Design to prevent the crown from falling off the head】: The end of the crown is designed with a comb, the comb can well fix the crown on the your girls head, and you no longer have to worry about the your girls head not being able to bear the weight of the crown and slide from the head【Material】: durable metal alloy and rhinestones. The alloy has a diamond appearance and a hard texture, which is both practical and beautiful.【Which will make You Shine on Your Special Day】: Ideal for Bridal, Wedding, Bridesmaids, Mother of the Bride, Parties, Proms, Formal Affairs, Baptism days, Holidays, Homecoming, Special Occasions, Valentine\'s Day, Mother\'s Day or Anniversary Gifts; Great for Everyday and Business WearAge grading: 2-88 Safety Warning: Please don\'t run fast while wearing the crown, so as to avoid children falling. Please wear the product correctly with the help of adults.

2025-02-05 07:16:29

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