해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Personalized Baby Swaddle Blanket with Name,Custom Fleece Throw Kids Blanket,Baby Blanket for Girls/Boys with Elephant Decor,Newborn Gifts for Baby Shower/Toddler Bed.50x60

상품번호 B09R72YV8C
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상품가격 26.99
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【Custom Blankets】:We will provide you with a variety of patterns and a variety of sizes to choose from.This will be baby swaddle blanket,crib blanket,baby shower blanket,travel blanket,pet blanket,and a perfect choice for bed and sofa rest. You can add a name and text on the blanket to customize a unique sleeping blanket for your baby, family, friends and pets.【Valentines Day Gifts For Kids】:What could be more perfect than personalized gifts? Use breathable micro-fleece to make super soft blanket,the fine fluff can care for the baby\'s tender skin and bring warmth to the baby. It is a perfect gift for babies,friends and relatives on Christmas,parties,birthdays and Valentine\'s Day.It is also an exclusive newborn gifts for novice mom.【Immediate Customization】:You can choose your favorite pattern and size,click the "Customized Now" button,and add your name (text) to complete the customization.Using exquisite printing technology,it will not fade or crease after washing,and the blanket still maintains beautiful patterns and customized text.Don\'t hesitate to customize beautiful blanket for girls/boys.【Cleaning Instructions】:(1) Wash with water, hand wash/machine wash; (2) Do not wash with other discolored clothing; (3) Do not iron or heat press; (4) Do not use bleach.【After Sales Service】:Please check your customized information carefully before submitting the customization. We are committed to customized satisfactory gifts for customers,if you have any questions about the product,don’t hesitate to contact us,we will answer you as soon as possible.

2024-05-17 03:12:58

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