해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Squier 40th Anniversary Vintage Edition Stratocaster Electric Guitar, with 2-Year Warranty, Satin Sea Foam Green, Maple Fingerboard

상품번호 B09RX5S3S2
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Musical Instruments / Guitars
브랜드 Brand: Squier
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $499.99
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Aged chrome hardwareAnodized aluminum pickguardSatin body and neck finishVintage-style 6-saddle synchronized tremolo bridgeVintage-style tuning machines
The first instruments to bear the Squier name were introduced in 1982, answering the call for genuine Fender® designs at accessible prices. The Squier 40th Anniversary collection celebrates the 40-year journey of Fender’s entry-level brand with special editions of the Telecaster®, Stratocaster®, Jazzmaster®, Precision Bass®, and Jazz Bass®, all available in Gold Edition and Vintage Edition variants. The Squier® 40th Anniversary Stratocaster®, Vintage Edition is a soulful tribute model trimmed with a collection of classic features for the retro-minded Squier enthusiast. Featuring aged chrome hardware, an anodized aluminum pickguard, a vintage-tinted maple neck, an engraved anniversary neck plate and satin finish throughout, this Strat® honors the heritage of the Squier catalog and its ancestry. Player-friendly refinements of this commemorative model include a slim and comfortable “C”-shaped neck profile for an easy playing feel, vintage-style tuning machines and 6-saddle synchronized tremolo bridge for authentic performance and style, and Fender-Designed single-coil pickups with alnico 5 magnets for familiar Strat tone.

2024-07-10 08:46:09

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