해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Manuka Honey Eczema Cream (8oz) Moisturizing Lotion Treatment Relief - Itchy, Dry Skin Healing Ointment - Skin-Soothing Moisturizer For Kids, Adults, Baby Body Mousse Honey Creme Eczema, Psoriasis

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상품가격 $34.99
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CRAFTED WITH ORGANIC, NATURAL INGREDIENTS - Experience the healing power of Manuka Honey, sourced with care from New Zealand (the birthplace of Manuka honey) and blended with high-quality ingredients designed to help, soothe and moisturize your skin. We prioritize the use of organic, natural ingredients to ensure a clean and safe product for all skin types and ages. Free from parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances, our formula is ideal even for sensitive or extremely dry skin.PREMIUM SKIN THERAPY - Formulated around the ultra soothing properties of Manuka Honey, with the goal of providing natural relief, deep hydration and to promote skin health. Regular use may assist in managing the symptoms associated with dry itchy skin from conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne, and more.EFFECTIVE FULL-BODY SKINCARE - Embrace holistic skin care with our Manuka ultra soothing cream, crafted for everyone in the family. Whether it’s the delicate skin of babies, children, or the sensitive skin of a teenager, our lotion provides the necessary hydration and nourishment without irritation. Its gentle formula makes it ideal for men and women alike, for application on all areas of the body: hands, face, neck, arms, chest, feet, legs, T-zone, etc.WIDE RANGE OF BENEFITS - Our customers have mentioned many benefits, including but not limited to radiant skin, youthful appearance, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and other anti-aging benefits. We can hydrate, moisturize and nourish our skin with a simple 5-minute daily routine. We tend to forget but our skin is not only the first line of defense, but our largest organ as well. Make sure it is healthy at all times and has the nutrients it needs!NATURAL CALMING FOR ALL SKIN TYPES - Our lightweight, fast-absorbing ointment is gentle on sensitive skin, works to calm irritated areas, and to alleviate discomfort and redness. Honey cream can help healthy skin to retain moisture better hence making the skin tighter, firmer, smoother and healthier. Feel good in your own healthy, glowing, youthful and well-balanced skin with better complexion!

2024-06-05 22:37:05

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