해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Knee Massager, Cycle Heating and Vibration, Wireless Large LED Screen Smart Knee Massage Rechargeable, Reduce Knee Joint Pain, Swelling, Stiffness and Other Joint Massager

상품번호 B09S5NV3DS
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Health & Household / Wellness & Relaxation
브랜드 Brand: KESITIS
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $99.99
상품가격 상세보기

【KNEE MASSAGER】The unit looks like a miniature computer that fits around the knee, with a control panel that allows users to choose from 3 different massage functions and 3 temperature levels.【EFFICIENT VIBRATION MASSAGE】The Knee massager has independent vibration,which can massage comfortably and relax muscle tension,it has three gears: automatic, low-grade, and high-grade, which can be adjusted freely according to your own conditions.【EFFICIENT HEATING MASSAGE】The knee heating massager has 3 temperature adjustments, low-grade 45°c, mid-range 50°c, high-grade 55°c, accelerates blood circulation, dredges the meridians, and keeps the knees away from dampness and cold.【ALL-ROUNDER】Large LED touch screen, clearly visible and easy to operate.It is great gift for dad/mom or someone with knee problems best gift,Ergonomic design,retractable adjustment is not easy to fall off so that the knee pad is firmly fixed on the knee,which is suitable for most people to use anytime and anywhere.【SERVICE】Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you have problems with our product, contact us and we will solve it for you as soon as possible.

2024-07-11 04:25:04

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