해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mini Figures, Minifigures, Little People Figures, Characters Figures, Mini Action Figures, Random 32 Unique Styles Mini People with Accessories for Easter, Birthday, Christmas Party

상품번호 B09S8MC2TL
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Toys & Games / Toy Figures & Playsets
브랜드 Brand: MOYEE
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $17.88
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?DELICATE MINI TOY FIGURES: Used premium plastic material, which makes them durable and can fit together nicely. These shells of MOYEE mini toy figures are smooth and not with rough edges. Each figure is in individually wrapped, making it easy for kids to put away by themselves.? 32 UNIQUE MINIFIGURES: This MOYEE minifigures toy set includes 32 different designed characters with variety of skin colors, costumes, and genders. Each figure measures approximately 1.5 inches tall, which is perfect for little kids to hold and assemble.? VARIOUS STYLE COMBINATIONS: The head and hat of MOYEE each figure is separate, so kids can mix and match at their will. These mini toy figures designed with moveable arms, hand and legs, so that kids could move them into different postures according to their appearance.? INSPIRE KIDS\' CREATIVITY: This MOYEE delicate minifigures toy set is perfect for imaginative games, where kids can have adventure with their favorite characters in their own sets, make them part of new stories with other models , or collect them on display.? A PERFECT GIFT: Great choice for a holiday gift, such as Christmas,, Halloween, Easter,Thanksgiving, Birthday and so on. also one of kids\' favorite toys. believe your child will absolutely love these MOYEE Christmas stocking stuffers. A fun collection for kids and fans of all age.?PAY ATTENTION: Sometime, the MOYEE 32 minifigures may different from the characters shown in the picture, due to the random delivery of the factory. We promise the action figures you receive are unique and non-repeatable. It\'s a huge surprise every time you get it, just like the blind box.

2024-02-13 22:20:08

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