해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golf Pen Set & Mini Desktop Golf Putting Green Game - Gifts for Adults, Kids, Dad, Mom, Men, Women, Boss, Coworkers, Teen Boys - Funny Office Desk Toys and Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers Gifts

상품번호 B09T39W736
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Toys & Games / Sports & Outdoor Play
브랜드 Brand: SANTA CASA
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $8.26
상품가격 상세보기

⛳【The Most Creative Gift】Are you still looking for a most special gift? SANTA CASA latest unique mini golf set with a beautiful gift box is the most popular gift for all golf lovers, perfect for Christmas, Father Day, Mother Day, Thanksgiving, birthdays, men women unique christmas stocking stuffers, company event souvenirs and as a club award for husbands, fathers, kids, teens, boys, girls, adults, him, bosses, colleagues. mini desktop games fun fidget toys cool office gadgets desk decor.⛳【Realistic Scenes & Relaxation】Say goodbye to the daily boring and boredom, this golf pen set can greatly reduce your stress, realistic training scenes, so you feel like you are in the real golf course, whether at home, office, indoor, outdoor, you can easily get fun and spend your time, is a cool desk game office toys and decorative items.⛳【Exquisite Workmanship & Material】We focus on product quality as always. The mini desktop golf gift is made of high grade aluminum alloy and zinc alloy, which have excellent durability and sturdiness, not easy to damage and fine workmanship. The course is made of high quality rubber, foam and flocking, not easy to fall off and lose color, we have better quality performance compared to ordinary mini golf sets.⛳【Easy to Play】Compact design, size: 9.6\'\' * 4.1\'\'* 1.4\'\', you can carry it around with you without taking up too much space and adding extra burden. The 1.4in height of the top cover allows you to use 3 different pens at will and the mini ball is not easy to be bounced off the outside of the putting green, just pull down the rubber handle to reveal the nib.⛳【Surprise Set】Package contains: 1X red flag, 2X mini golf balls, 3X mini golf clubs ball pens(Red/Black/Blue) , 1 x mini golf putting green gift box, meet all your expectations, hurry up and start the entertainment time!!! SANTA CASA focus on customer satisfaction, if you have any questions, we provide 24-hour online after-sales service.

2025-01-09 11:12:36

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