해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
THELANDA Sterling Silver 4-Prong Petite Twisted Vine Simulated 1.0 CT Diamond Or Moissanite Engagement Ring Promise Bridal Ring

상품번호 B09T67JS48
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상품가격 $52.99
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Product Description Surrounded by sparkly side stones on either side, the dazzling center stone is destined to be a scene stealer. This beautiful ring features a shimmering strand of pavé simulated diamonds entwined with a lustrous ribbon of precious metal. Made of real Sterling Silver. Features 1 carat (6.5mm diameter, or 0.25inches) round brilliant cut clear simulated diamond in classic 4-prong setting. Accented with totally 22 round cut clear simulated diamonds in pave setting in the twisted band. Band measures 2.5mm in width. Undoubtedly the most classic cut, the round cut styles are coveted for their versatility and breathtaking brilliance. If you prefer timeless glamour, this cut is meant for you. We have a completely same style matching ring for this engagement ring. Please step foot into our online store to find it. Just click the brand name THELANDA beside the title of this listing. This ring is a best gift for women. It can be women\'s promise ring, engagement ring, anniversary ring, or wedding ring. All the simulated diamonds are AAAAA quality, D color and flawless, reflecting the sparkle same as diamonds do, which is very nice and attractive, making the ring much more extraordinary, like a real diamond ring. The ring is all highly polished by very skilled goldsmith. Very nice and shiny! And the ring comes with a very nice jewelry box. There is nothing more personal and precious than a wedding ring. It is the ultimate expression of the commitment and affection that stands between man and the woman he loves. So as you step foot into the endless world of rings, discover the difference with our expert assistance and support at every stage of your journey. Box Contains High quality luxury ring box Sterling Silver 4-Prong Petite Twisted Vine Simulated 1.0 CT Diamond Engagement Ring Promise Bridal Ring

2024-05-15 14:24:18

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