해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Naruto: Shippuden Ramen Shop Plush Throw Blanket | Super Soft Fleece Blanket, Cozy Sherpa Cover For Sofa And Bed, Home Decor Room Essentials | Anime Manga Gifts | 45 x 60 Inches

상품번호 B09TCVN5DJ
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Bedding
브랜드 Brand: Naruto
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $35.99
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Combine Style With Comfort: If you want to be the next Hokage, start by snuggling up with this collectible Naruto throw blanket. Make your village or house feel like a home with fandom-themed room essentials.Anime Design: Inspired by the hit anime series Naruto, this throw blanket showcases ninjas from Konohagakure in their downtime. Features Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake, and Iruka Umino enjoying some ramen.Snuggly and Warm: Cuddle like a shinobi with this collectible Naruto throw blanket. This fleece blanket features a soft lining for maximum comfort, so you can relax while bingeing your favorite anime series.Quality and Comfort: Made of 100% soft-touch polyester, this fleece throw blanket is professionally crafted. Optimal for snuggles, the oversized design of this cozy blanket measures a roomy 45 x 60 inches.Cozy Collectible: Give your living space a touch of anime fandom with this officially licensed Naruto throw blanket. A stylish option for your Hidden Village, this home decor essential is made for ninjas.
MY NAME IS NARUTO UZUMAKI. I LIKE RAMEN. Settle in for some jutsu training and snuggles with this collectible Naruto Ramen Shop Throw Blanket. Anime fans can cozy up with their niche fandom starting with their favorite shinobi. The fun design highlights popular characters from Konohagakure enjoying themselves at a ramen shop. Spot familiar faces like Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake, and Iruka Umino as they chow down on a bowl of noodles. After all, even a shinobi needs to eat! COZY UP WITH YOUR ANIME FANDOM Whether you have been clashing with rival clans or just want to catch up on episodes of your favorite anime, you deserve some quality relaxation. Get cozy with this plush throw blanket, measuring a comfortable 45 x 60 inches. Ideal for a ninja-worthy snuggle session! Super soft to the touch, this fleece blanket is crafted with high-quality polyester material. Become the next Hokage with this officially licensed Naruto throw blanket. CARE INSTRUCTIONS Machine wash with cold water is highly recommended.

2024-10-01 21:11:00

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