해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TRQ Front Brake Caliper Set Fits 2005-2007 Five Hundred Freestyle Montego

상품번호 B09TSP9GDB
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상품가격 $169.95
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Direct Fit, OE Replacement Disc Brake Caliper SetKit Includes: (1) Front Passenger Side Brake Caliper with Hardware & Mounting Bracket; (1) Front Driver Side Brake Caliper with Hardware & Mounting BracketVehicle Specific: Check fitment information in the listing for compatibilityAftermarket Reference Number(s): 18B4922,18B4923,FRC11693,FRC11693N,FRC11694,FRC11694N
2 Piece Brake Caliper Set Kit Includes (1) Front Driver Side Brake Caliper with Mounting Bracket & Hardware (1) Front Passenger Side Brake Caliper with Mounting Bracket & Hardware Fitment Compatible with: 2005-07 Ford Five Hundred Front Driver & Passenger Side Compatible with: 2005-07 Ford Freestyle Front Driver & Passenger Side Compatible with: 2005-07 Mercury Montego Front Driver & Passenger Side Product Attributes Quantity: 2 Piece Item Details TRQ brake calipers are made from premium raw materials designed to restore original performance. All TRQ calipers are new, so there will never be a core charge with your TRQ purchase. TRQ brake calipers include upgraded seals, washers, abutment kits and brackets where applicable to ensure a complete repair. TRQ recommends replacing your calipers in pairs with new brake pads and brake rotors to ensure components wear evenly and avoid multiple repairs of the same system. All products are fit and road-tested in our Massachusetts R&D facility to ensure we deliver on our promise of Trusted Reliable Quality. Reference Numbers BBB Industries: 99-17925L-C, 99-17925R-C CARDONE Reman: 18-B4922, 18-B4923 DFC Calipers Outright Program: 331-54090, 331-54091 Nugeon: 22-17925L, 22-17925R Raybestos Brakes: FRC11693, FRC11693N, FRC11694, FRC11694N UAP: C61109, C61110 UCX: 10-3296S, 10-3297S

2024-10-01 16:28:17

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