해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Gifts for Men, Gifts for Dad Husband Birthday Anniversary from Daughter Son Kids Wife, Wood Phone Docking Station Nightstand Organizer, Fathers Day Boyfriend Gifts Ideas Christmas for Him

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상품가격 $24.64
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Wood Phone Docking Station for Men Dad Husband - Are you still troubled about your husband or dad throwing things around and ask you where the thing is? This multifunction phone docking station can keep your husband daily-used things at hand. This multifunction wooden nightstand organizer is designed with a large space without partitions that you can personalize with your own ideas Unlimitedly organize your wallet, glasses, watches, phone tablet charging, keys, stationery and more.Unique Gifts Choice - Perfect Gifts for husband, boyfriend, men, him, dad, brother, son, grandpa, colleague, etc. It\'s the best unique gift choice for men who have everything for any occasion like Fathers Day, Christmas, Valentines Day, Birthday, Anniversary.More Convenient Design - Large Charging Area. Not like other product only for phone charging organized, our wood phone station can suitable for tablets charging or more big size devices. In addition, We design the hidden cables slot for placing your multiple devices charging at the same time, such as mobile phones, tablets, headphones, watches, etc. and the charging cable is neatly arranged.Easy to Assemble & Widely Used - Easily complete the installation of this mens nightstand organizer gifts by simply following the installation guide. This wood desk edc organizer can be cool guy stuff for man used in office desk, living room, bedroom, kitchen, hallway.Sturdy & High Quality Wood Material - Handmade by high quality wood material, our multifunctional phone docking station is sturdy and renewable. In addition, the surface of wood phone docking station for male is carefully polished and covered with sturdy finishing.

2024-07-11 10:13:42

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