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Holme & Hadfield Watch Deck Vegan Leather Padding - Black (Padding Only)

상품번호 B09V5BS1VD
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상품가격 $34.99
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It’s time to level up your Watch Deck. With The Watch Deck Padding, not only will you enhance the overall look and feel of your watch display, you will protect what you love!Your watches deserve the best watch display case. With the Watch Deck Padding you can give your watch holder the ultimate luxury finish.Create a cushioned base for your watches and accessories by adding this essential accessory to your Watch Deck. Avoid any risk of scratching the Watch Deck, while also providing a soft base for the watches to rest on; double protection!The Watch Deck Padding is made from vegan leather so is kinder to the environment than normal leather.This is an accessory only. Watch box not included. Available in Black and Rustic Brown.WHO IS HOLME & HADFIELD? — Make sure to visit and follow our brand\'s storefront on Amazon. In there you\'ll find more information about our product categories, newest releases, lifetime warranty, and get to know us, Ian and Phil, the two co-founders of Holme & Hadfield. We tell our story, how we got our start and 10 reasons why people love us as a brand. You can visit our storefront by simply clicking "Visit the Holme & Hadfield Store". See you there!

2025-01-09 22:04:58

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