해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kitchen Silicone Cooking Utensils Set of 20 , Wooden Utensils For Cooking, Serving Utensils Kitchen Tool/ Gadgets, Spatula Set

상품번호 B09VBZ4H81
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상품가격 28.99
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✨ AS SEEN ON BUZZFEED - A curated luxury series of 20 most popular and versatile Mint silicone kitchen utensils set kitchen tools among professional chefs and home cooks, inspired by Marie Kondo’s motto of cherished necessities.?‍? COOK & SERVE WITH STYLE - Our designers kitchen set for home out to reimagine everyday spatulas for nonstick cookware with beautiful finishes and color scheme that goes well with any kitchen utensil holder. Cooking will no longer be a chore!? ULTRA HEAT-RESISTANT & NON-SCRATCH - Unlike plastic utensils, our wooden spatula for cooking are heat resistant to 572 ºF (300 ºC).What\'s more, unlike stainless steel, we are also non-scratch which helps preserve your valuable cooking pots and pans.✔️ NON-STICK AND EASY TO CLEAN - Non-stick and stain-resistant, silicone kitchen spoons serving utensils made for hassle-free clean up. Presented in an elegant gift packaging, this wood utensils set for cooking makes a thoughtful personalized gifts? PREMIUM QUALITY MADE TO LAST - Unlike copycat kitchen spatula set we exclusively source the highest quality materials - assuring for your family. Superior than bamboo, our kitchen spoons for cooking will sustain wear and tear for years.

2024-09-04 23:23:29

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