해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Andonstar AD203 Handheld Digital Microscope, Portable Pocket Microscope with 4 inch Screen for Kids and Adults, Black, Electronic FHD Video Microscope, Supports Windows Mac PC, USB Coin Microscope

상품번호 B09VFN6LGX
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상품가격 $55.99
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【Built-in LCD Screen】: No more having to look at the lens barrel with your eyes. The built-in 4 inch screen can present the micro-world in front of your eyes more clearly and intuitively directly【Rechargeable Microscope】: With a built-in 2000 mah rechargeable battery, you can take Andonstar AD203 to anywhere to observe lovely plants. It is also a very good kids microscope, which can increase children\'s interest in the natural world【High Resolution & Magnification】: 2 Mega Pixels, 1080FHD picture quality, 80x more magnification with a built-in 8 adjustable LED lights can provide enough magnification and meet your daily needs enough【Lightweight and Portable Microscope】: The AD203 microscope weighs only 220 g, comes with a wrist strap, and a carrying bag. Even children can easily put it in their pockets and take it for outdoor adventures【Microscope for adults】: It can also be used as a coin microscope or soldering microscope. To make your spare life full of joy. Let’s share your micro-world photos or videos with your family and friends now【Take photos and videos】: Not just a microscope. With the Micro SD card provided, you can easily take and store the images or videos of the micro-world you observe【Easily Connect to Windows&Mac computers】: Connect AD203 to computer via USB, download the ‘Amcap’ software for Windows, use the "Photo Booth" of iMac/MacBook or download the "WebCam Monitor" program for Mac PC, you can easily get the microscope picture on your computer, and can simply take pictures and videos【What you can get】: 1x Handheld microscope, 1x 32GMicro SD card, 1x USB cable, 1x portable wrist strap, 1x portable bag, 1x instruction, 24-hour professional after-sales service

2024-11-30 20:48:03

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