해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ASUS ROG Cetra True Wireless Gaming Earbuds, Low-Latency Bluetooth Earbuds, Active Noise Cancelation, 27-Hour Battery Life, IPX4 Water Resistance, Headphone with Wireless Charging,Black

상품번호 B09VP3YXX9
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상품가격 $79.99
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Note : If the size of the earbud tips does not match the size of your ear canals or the headset is not worn properly in your ears, you may not obtain the correct sound qualities or call performance. Change the earbud tips to ones that fit more snugly in your ear.Specific uses for product : Personal,Business,GamingLow-latency wireless audio: Gaming mode offers greater synchronization of audio with video for competitive gaming.Active Noise Cancelation (ANC): Hybrid ANC technology detects and filters out noise coming from inside and outside the headphones, enabling immersive audio experiences.Extensive battery life: ROG cetra true wireless earbuds features 27-hour battery life with quick-charge technology.Wireless charging: Case can be charged conveniently via wireless charging.Touch control: Simple quick-touch controls enable rapid in-game adjustments.Extensive compatibility includes PCs, Macs, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices
ROG Cetra True Wireless gaming headphones are equipped with hybrid ANC technology and low-latency wireless to keep you in the zone and in sync with immersive audio experiences. EQs and specially tuned 10mm ASUS Essence drivers add another layer of quality to your gaming audio, and up to 27 total hours of battery life, wireless charging and IPX4 water resistance let you keep gaming wherever you go.

2024-07-10 16:06:38

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