해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Andonstar AD249S-M 10.1 Inch HDMI Digital Coin Microscope 2000x for Adults, 3 Lens 2160P UHD Video Record, Soldering / Biological Microscope Kit with 32G Card, Windows Compatible

상품번호 B09VPP5G59
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상품가격 170.99
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【Andonstar 3 Lens Digital Microscope for Adults】: Lens L for Soldering and Repairing: Can be used to repair circuit boards, mobile phones, etc. Lens A can be used to observe whole coins or parts, plants, stones, etc. Lens D can be used to observe biological slides【UHD 2160P HDMI Digital Microscope】: Ultra high definition 2160P video record, while supporting HDMI output to a larger screen, allows you to see a more microscopic world and free your eyes all the time【Soldering Microscope with Pro Boom Arm Stand】: Andonstar\'s newest upgraded bracket, size: 7*7.8*13inch, the bracket is adjustable front and rear, left and right, and the bracket angle is adjustable. Meet the needs of your larger work envelope. Strong metal material, suitable for high-temperature environments such as soldering【Great Microscope Kit for Adults and Kids】: Multi-lens to meet different needs, you can use it as a soldering microscope, coin microscope, biological microscope, it comes with a variety of accessories such as biological slides, and meets the needs of adults and kids at the same time【Easy to Use】: Different lenses can be exchanged by simply removing and installing the screws. Rotate the focusing wheel to focus, and rotate the bracket knob to adjust the object distance【Up to 2000X All-Purpose Winner Digital Microscope】: On the microscope screen, with 3x digital zoom: Lens A: 4.5-180x, Lens D: 450-510x, Lens L: 15-60x; Output to a 28-inch HDMI monitor, with 3x digital zoom: Lens A: 18-720x, Lens D: 1800-2040x, Lens L: 60-240x, make it ideal for all-purpose use【Professional Measurement Software】: Simply download our professional measurement software, you can easily connect the microscope to your Windows PC to measure the length of objects, calculate the area, take photos, videos, etc【Wireless Remote Control, Adjustable LED Lights】: It is convenient for you to operate from a long distance and supports functions such as image discoloration and digital zoom. It is especially suitable for educational demonstrations and other scenes. A total of eight intensity levels of LED lights can meet your different requirements for image brightness【Take Photos and Videos】: Not just a microscope. With the Micro SD card provided, you can easily take and store the images or videos of the micro-world you observe【What you can get】: 1x Microscope host, 1x Lens A, 1x Lens D, 1x Lens L, 1x Slide holder, 1x 32GMicro SD card, 1x USB cable, 1x Switch cable, 1x HDMI cable, 1x Remote control, 5x Prepared Slides, 1x Observation box, 1x Tweezers, 1x Instruction, 24-hour professional after-sales service

2024-11-30 07:18:08

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