해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JantesipLLC DARKROOM FILM CHANGING BAG - 21”X 23” (55cmx60cm) Extra Large Lightproof Thick Anti Static Material Durable for white film photography--Flexible Universal sizing

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상품구분 Electronics / Camera & Photo
브랜드 Brand: Jantesip LLC
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $20.88
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DOUBLE LAYERING DENSE MATERIAL: Complementing this robust exterior is a seamless nylon inner liner, meticulously integrated to provide an additional layer of defense against the elements. Engineered with precision, the seamless construction minimizes weak points and potential areas of vulnerability, offering comprehensive protection without sacrificing comfort or flexibility. The nylon material not only enhances the fabric\'s resistance to tearing and puncturing but also provides a smooth, comfortable interior for extended wear.EXTRA LARGE: Measuring a generous 21 inches by 23 inches (55cm by 60cm), our Film Changing bag offers ample space to accommodate a wide range of projects and tasks, from intricate film shoots to detailed photography sessions. Despite its spacious dimensions, this bag remains conveniently compact and lightweight, making it effortlessly portable and easy to transport wherever your creativity takes you.SECURE ZIPPER: To enhance security and peace of mind, we\'ve implemented a three-fold approach to seal the zipper shut effectively. Three easy Velcro strap seals strategically positioned along the zipper line provide additional reinforcement, further fortifying the closure against accidental openings and ensuring that your valuable gear remains safely enclosed at all times.LARGE INTERIOR ROOM FOR BULK DEVELOPING: Crafted with precision and attention to detail, our bag boasts 100% lightproof construction, ensuring that no stray light infiltrates the interior space and compromises the integrity of your film. This comprehensive lightproof design not only safeguards your delicate materials but also instills confidence and peace of mind, knowing that your work is protected from potential hazards.DOUBLE ELASTIC CUFFS: Our cuffs also feature a flexible armhole design that offers up to 4 inches/ 10cm of adjustment, ensuring a personalized fit that accommodates a wide range of body types and arm sizes. Whether you\'re shooting on location, navigating tight spaces, or working extended hours in the studio, our cuffs adapt to your movements with ease, providing unrestricted freedom and flexibility throughout your creative process.
The darkroom film changing bag is an essential and convenient way to safely change your film in a light-proof portable way. Great for photographers on the go or at home. Breathable, anti-static high quality, resistant material designed to comfortably fit over any arm size. This is a very functional, durable and convertible Changing Bag was designed to allow YOU the photographer to have perfect exposure to change rolls of paper roll Disposable Camera Film Rolls. This is one bag which I guarantee will fit every photographers\' speed lite flash/camera. Making it easy & safer to change your film at home or outdoors economically. The darkroom film changing bag serves as an indispensable and practical solution for securely changing film in a portable, light-proof environment. Whether you\'re a photographer on the move or working at home, this breathable, anti-static, high-quality bag is designed to comfortably fit over any arm size. Crafted from durable and resistant material, it ensures a seamless experience for changing rolls of paper and disposable camera film. This versatile changing bag is not only functional but also convertible, catering to the needs of photographers by providing the perfect exposure to change rolls of film. Its design guarantees a snug fit for every photographer\'s speed lite flash and camera, making the process of changing film both easy and safe. Whether you\'re indoors or outdoors, this changing bag offers an economical and reliable solution for film changes, allowing you to capture your moments with precision and convenience.

2024-07-09 13:05:26

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