해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lorex 2K Wireless WiFi Smart Video Doorbell Camera w/No Subscription Fee - Night Vision, Battery-Powered, Motion Detection (White)

상품번호 B09VTLQ9DT
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상품가격 $179.99
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Wire Free – Our wireless, WiFi battery-operated video doorbell has a built-in battery of 6200mAh. It is perfect for situations where no wiring is available, but if you have wiring, it can be used to keep the battery doorbell continuously chargedMotion Activated Detection - Program the Nightlight feature to turn on in the dark when motion is detected, or manually to deter unwanted guests. Utilize Person Detection and get an instant notification from the Lorex Home app when motion from a person is detected within the camera’s viewSee Every Detail - Receive optimal video image quality and an expansive wide-angle camera view with 2K Video Resolution (HDR) and 4:3 aspect ratio. Never miss a thing with Night Vision, including Color Night Vision (ambient light required) and IR Night Vision (high-quality black and white video in a dark setting)Respond Instantly - Full Duplex 2-Way audio with noise cancellation and 2-Way Talk allows you to hear and speak directly through the doorbell to anyone at your front door, while being able to see them through the camera. If you’re busy, have Quick Response answer for youLorex Video Vault - With the pre-installed 32GB MicroSD or through Lorex Fusion, your videos stay private and secure. The Lorex Home app allows you to remotely access your devices to view live video and recorded footage. Connect all of your devices to one recorder with secure local storage for enhanced privacy and protection. No subscription fees

2024-04-04 19:24:51

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