해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Refrigerator Deodorizer,Lasts for 10 Years,Refrigerator Odor Eliminator,Fridge Deodorizer,More Effective Than Baking Soda Bamboo Air Purifying Bags

상품번호 B09VZ11WHK
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상품가격 $24.99
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Advanced Catalytic Decomposition Technology: Decomposes harmful gases into water molecular, eliminates the odors at the source, maintains a fresh odorless refrigerator,and keeps the foods fresh longerA Decade Long Service Life with High Efficiency: Serves you for as long as 10 years with no need for any replacement,relieves burdens of the earth by reducing wasteMore Effective Than Baking Soda and Activated Carbon: Just simply put the refrigerator smell eliminator in there, and it\'ll do the job, no need any power supply, no saturation,no secondary pollution, fragrance and chemical freeMade of SUS 304 Stainless Steel: Good material makes it a highly wrought,stylish odor absorber in refrigerator and freezer, compact size makes it a potable deodorizer odor eliminator for small spaces like drawers,shoe cabinet,storage compartment,cars,gymbags,travel suitcasesThoughtful Gift for Friends and Family: Giving this exquisite and warm gift is an unique way to show your care about someone\'s health

2025-02-05 01:02:12

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