해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Life Size Spine Anatomical Model, 35" Medical Spine Model with Stand and Colorful Manual, Human Spine Model Include Pelvis, Sacrum, Vertebral Artery, Nerve Artery and Lumbar Intervertebral Disc

상품번호 B09WGR8SQY
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상품가격 $39.99
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Flexible Medical Quality : human spine model is made in non-toxic PVC material, tasteless, able to be washed. It sturdy yet flexible and comes with a stand. you can show various forms of movement or how certain conditions may impact the spine.Special Features: Include representations of the vertebral arteries, spinal nerve exits and a prolapsed L3-L4 intervertebral disc, the spinal nerve exits are clearly visible.Great for Demonstrating Anatomy: This model of a spine is absolutely wonderful and you can demonstrate to patients what is going on with their spinal mechanics and also to show how it will be corrected.Perfect For Teaching & Learning: Includes a Free colorful Human Spine chart to show all the detailed structures for reference. And our spine is perfect for doctor patient education regarding bones, disc, herniation, and nerveCome with Thoughtful Gift: Includes a Free colorful Human Spine chart to show all the detailed structures for reference.
Great Educational Tool : Perfect for yoga instruction, spine alinement instruction and overall awareness of the hips and spine You can use it daily to demonstrate to patients what is going on with their spinal mechanics and also to show how it will be corrected. Specifications: Material: PVC Color: As the picture shows Pattern: white Note: 1. Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. 2 . Due to the differences between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes 1 xHuman Spine Model 1 xColorful Human Spine Poster Have a nice day ?

2024-04-04 18:45:21

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