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Cardone 12-17261 Remanufactured ABS Control Module (Renewed)

상품번호 B09WQ1LY55
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상품가격 $163.12
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As a remanufactured Original Equipment part, this unit guarantees a perfect vehicle fitWorn-out, missing or non-functioning components are replaced with new or rebuilt components, where necessaryCritical components are re-soldered, where necessary, to ensure superior electrical connections, eliminate intermittent failures and extend product life100% computer testing ensures consistent performance, Air-decay testing ensures unit is void of brake fluid, On-car testing is done, when necessary, for validation of product reliabilityOur remanufacturing process is earth-friendly, as it reduces the energy and raw material needed to make a new part by 80%.
CARDONE Remanufactured ABS Control Modules are designed to meet or exceed O.E. performance. Reverse engineering provides insight into how and why the unit originally failed, allowing our engineers to identify and correct original design flaws. Every CARDONE unit goes through stringent testing, ensuring like-new performance and quick reaction time when traction control is required.

2024-09-05 17:18:19

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