해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Heated Eye Mask, USB Eye Mask for Dry Eyes with Temperatur 105°F 115°F 125°F, far Infrared Therapy

상품번호 B09XHXKM79
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Beauty & Personal Care / Skin Care
브랜드 Brand: Thermrup
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $29.95
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Comfortable and quality: the warming eye mask from the German brand Thermrup frees you from discomfort on the eye and provides you with soothing far infrared heat and relaxes swollen eyes. The mask is waterproof and can therefore be used with damp cotton pads for a damp heat treatment. This acts against symptoms of blepharitis, MDD, dry & tired eyes and relieves pain.Individual temperature setting: with the thermorup temperature regulator, you can choose between 3 heat settings 105°F, 115°F ,125 °F to feel the perfect heat and after 13 minutes of non-operating the controller, the heat function switches off automatically.Multi-use with power supply and power bank: use the Thermrup eye mask with the included power supply or connect it to an external power bank or other USB power suppliers. So you can use the comfort of the mask at any time, even if there is no socket nearby.Ideal fit with deep contour: with the Velcro fastener, you can adjust the fit of the very soft mask individually to the size of your head. Thanks to the recessed contour, the mask fits perfectly on your face and creates a comfortable space for your eyes and eyelashesBox contents: 1 x eye mask, 1 x power supply, 1 x temperature controller, 1 x storage bag, 1 x user manual
Comfortable and quality: the warming eye mask from the German brand Thermrup frees you from discomfort on the eye and provides you with soothing far infrared heat and relaxes swollen eyes. The mask is waterproof and can therefore be used with damp cotton pads for a damp heat treatment. This acts against symptoms of blepharitis, MDD, dry & tired eyes and relieves pain.

2024-02-13 09:36:51

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