해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Magnetic Tiles, 100PCS Magnetic Blocks for Kids, Magnet Building Set with 2 Cars, Construction Building Set,STEM Sensory Educational Toys Gift for Toddlers Kids 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Year Old

상품번호 B09XMN7YGW
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상품가격 $35.20
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Quality and Safety: Crafted from safe and durable ABS plastic, our 100-piece magnet tiles toys, including 2 cars, feature strong magnets securely sealed for a worry-free play experience.Vibrant Design: Enjoy visually stimulating magnet building tiles with round edges and smooth surfaces, creating a magical experience for kids. Refill or mix with other brands for more pieces, unlocking endless possibilities in building models.Perfect for imaginative play.Learning in Play: Encourage cognitive development with our magnetic tiles for kids. From shape recognition to creative construction, these toys foster learning and 3D spatial thinking.Perfect for Every Setting: Whether at home, school, or daycare, our 100-piece magnet tiles make a valuable and versatile educational toy for kids, enhancing the bond between parents and children.Elevate your child\'s playtime with Anbalulu Magnetic Tiles – where learning meets creativity!

2025-01-08 05:15:43

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