해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Swann Security Camera, 1080p DVR Bullet Surveillance Cameras with 1TB HDD, 8 Channel 8 Cam, Indoor Outdoor Wired Surveillance Camera, Color Night Vision, Heat Motion Detection, LEDs

상품번호 B09XR5G84V
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상품가격 $319.99
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SwannForce 1080p HD Security: Keep your property secure with the SwannForce 1080p HD Security Camera System. Offering an 8-channel DVR with a 1TB HDD, this system ensures ample storage space for your security footage. With Swann, you can enjoy peace of mind 24/7.Comprehensive Coverage with 8 Bullet Cameras: This Swann system includes eight indoor/outdoor wired bullet cameras, all designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, thanks to their IP66 rating. Get maximum coverage of your premises, both indoors and outdoors.Color Night Vision & Flashing LEDs: Swann\'s advanced color night vision technology provides clear footage even in low-light conditions. The integrated LED lights not only enhance visibility in the dark but also flash to deter potential intruders, adding an extra layer of security.Motion Sensor & Integrated Microphone: Each SwannForce cameras are equipped with built-in motion sensors that detect heat and motion, triggering recording and notifications. With an integrated microphone in each camera, you can capture important audio details along with video.Remote Access via Swann Security App: Stay connected to your SwannForce system from anywhere in the world. With the HomeSafe View Swann app, you can access live feeds, playback recorded footage, and receive instant notifications on your smartphone or tablet, ensuring your property is always under watchful eyes.

2024-05-17 02:32:14

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