해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SC/APC to SC/APC Fiber Optic Internet Cable, Armored Single Mode Patch Cable, Fiber Optic Jumper Optical Patch Cord - SIMPLEX - 9/125um - OS1/OS2 Compatible, LSZH White, 3m

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Replacement fiber optic cable for ATT Fiber modem/router, Verizon Fios. This Optical Fiber cable suitables for all networks, CATV, FTTH, FTTB and FTTP systems, it is commonly used for Verizon Fios, Google Fiber and more FTTH in-home Fiber optic network optimizations and extensions. Most customers use our SC/APC to SC/APC cables for in house ONT (Optical network Terminal) relocation. They use this fiber patch cable to re-route their Fiber Optic Networks or extend their fiber internet cable.Stronger Fiber Optic Cable with Armored: Stop struggling with patch fiber cable been chewed by your pet. This fiber jumper cable built-in a stainless steel tube inside to protect the inner core(fiber glass) from damage like pet chew. Also use protective LSZH outer jacket to strengthen the structure of cable. It retains all the features of a standard patch cord, but is much stronger. Pressure resist and Wear resist.White Fiber Optic Internet Cable specially designed for needs of white application of home Fiber Optic Installers. White fiber patch cables can match your white equipment and white trim. We designed this white patch cables to meet customers need of decor colors. We are a professional manufacturer and accept customized orders. If necessary, please contact us for customized Cable to meet your needs.Package includes one Free Coupler - You get a SC-APC Fiber Optic Adapter for easy extensionProduct details: Connector SCAPC/SCAPC Mode: 9/125μm. Wavelength: 1310nm to 1550nm. Jacket Material: Low-Smoke, Zero Halogen (LSZH) Armoured jacket. Jacket Color: White. OD: 3.0mm. RoHS Compliant, Resistant to Electrical Interference.

2024-07-09 18:13:19

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