해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Silver Buffalo The Office Dunder Mifflin Paper Box Decorative Artificial Faux Greenery Plant in Ceramic

상품번호 B09XZMXN97
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상품가격 $19.89
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CeramicPLANTER: Make your room or living space pop with this awesome mini ceramic planter featuring The Office\'s Dunder Mifflin Paper Box and a faux plant coming out of the topFAUX PLANT: Planter comes with the artificial plant so that way there\'s no upkeep necessary to reap the stylish rewardsEASY DECOR: Great way to brighten up any home, office, or favorite coffee shop hangout spotOFFICIALLY LICENSED: Have confidence knowing you are purchasing an officially licensed The Office product from Silver BuffaloMAKES A GREAT GIFT: Makes a great gift for all The Office fans in your life, whether it\'s for girls, boys, or adults. Great for any occasion whether it is Christmas, Birthday, or Housewarming gift
Add some greenery into our space in style thanks to the Silver Buffalo The Office Dunder Mifflin Paper Box Decorative Artificial Faux Greenery Plant in Ceramic. This planter features The Office\'s Dunder Mifflin Paper Box and a faux plant coming out of the top. Planter comes with an artificial plant so that way there\'s no upkeep necessary to reap the stylish rewards. This planter is a great way to brighten up any home, office, or coffee shop. And have confidence knowing you are purchasing an officially licensed The Office product from Silver Buffalo. Makes a great gift for all The Office fans in your life, whether it\'s for girls, boys, or adults. Great for any occasion whether it is Christmas, Birthday, or Housewarming gift. Working in collaboration with licensors and brands, Silver Buffalo develops unique, creative, and ground-breaking products with a devotion to detail and innovation, while staying true to current trends. Silver Buffalo prides themselves on manufacturing and distributing exciting products that connect with the child or fan(atic) in all of us. We focus on the design, manufacture, and distribution of items featuring popular cultural icons. Silver Buffalo features all of your favorite comic heroes, cartoon characters, board games, movies, and more. # TAGS: Housewarming, Gifting, Birthday, Kitchen, Home, Party Decorations, Collectable, Party decor, Celebration, Accessories, Home, Office, Home Decor, Decorative, Plant, Greenery, Planter, Faux Plant, Artificial plant, succulent, TV Show, The Office, Michael, Dwight, Pam, Jim, Ryan, Dunder Mifflin

2024-07-11 16:53:23

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