해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Homde Jewelry Organizer for Girls Women Jewelry Box Necklaces Rings Earrings Display Stand Jewelry Storage Holder Case for Bracelets Watches Sunglasses (White)

상품번호 B09Y5G4N97
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상품가격 35.99
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Elegant and Unique Design: The surface layer is made of good-quality leather, with a light green soft lining, which can better protect your jewelry from scratches. The jewelry box is decorated with silicone handles and hardware handles at the same time, and the appearance design is elegant and fashionableMashup Style: The jewelry organizer adopts a unique mashup design of horizontal drawers and vertical drawers, with a large storage space and a clearly layered interior, which can accommodate various types of jewelry. Product size: length 8.66" X width 5.51" X height 7.48"Optimized Design: The top layer of the jewelry box is left empty, which can be used to place lipstick, perfume, etc. as required. Its lower part is equipped with three horizontal drawers, and drawer 1 is equipped with ring strips, which can be used to place rings of different styles; The drawer 2 is divided into two compartments, which can be used to place large accessories such as bracelets, pendants, and brooches; The drawer 3 is a heightened whole large space, which can be used to place accessories such as watches and braceletsThere are two vertical drawers on the left and right sides of the top layer, and the left vertical drawer has double-sided hooks, which makes full use of storage space and can accommodate necklaces, pendants and other accessories; The right vertical drawer has 48 holes for hanging earrings, ear nails, earbobs and other accessories staggered from both sidesA Gift Choice: The elegant jewelry box is specially designed for ladies and girls to store jewelry and save space. It is an ideal gift for Valentine\'s Day, Mother\'s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday, wedding and anniversary

2024-02-13 16:17:54

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