해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Paramount Outdoors Men's MFBW002-DJX-11 Slate Felt Wading Boot, Tan/Blk, 11

상품번호 B09YJ1RG1G
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상품가격 $139.99
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Felt Outsole Bottom Wading Shoe with recessed stud insert points that will keep your (Included wading studs) in place for the long haul. Giving you a secure traction with every stepFull wrap rubberized reinforced strip around base connecting with large rubber heel reinforcement for the durability to last season after seasonHeavy Durable Leather outer fabric offers superior durability and reinforcement where you need it most.Attached gravel guard D-Ring on tough offers secure and comfortable fit with your wadersWADING STUDS ARE INCLUDED and you DO NOT need to go up in size as the Slate is already sized to accommodate neoprene wader booties
Paramount Outdoors is an Industry Leader in High Quality Performance Fly Fishing Waders and Headwear. Our Breathable Fishing Waders are ideal for any angler at any experience level, beginner to professional guide. Our American Fit Headwear offers a better fit for a larger range of head sizes combined with high quality materials for the best cap in your headwear arsenal. Lastly, the ComfortSnap utilized the stretch of elastic with the adjustability of a Snapback for the most comfortable headwear you find. Check out our unique headwear designs and function driven wading products. Paramount Outdoors is Based out of Guntersville, Alabama.

2024-10-31 10:30:11

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