해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DUBSTAR Pill Cutter Splitter for Small and Tiny Pills, Multiple Pill Cutters for Small or Large Pills, Adjustable Pill Splitter with Centering Device and Blade Guard for Multi Tablets (Purple)

상품번호 B09YLLPG39
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상품가격 $9.99
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【Pill Cutters for Small and Large Pills】This multiple pill cutter has 2 adjustable bars to safely accommodate round, rectangular, oval, or most other size pills. This pill splitter can cut tablets from 2mm to 15mm in size and width, so you can easily cut small tablets as small as 2.5mg.【Cutting Multiple Pills at Once】This pill cutter splitter for small and tiny pills can hold multiple pills at the same time, cuts multiple pills at once easily, cleanly and accurately, prepare a month\'s supply in just a few minutes with no crushed pills.【Clear Cutting】Pill splitter with centering device, soft silicone adjustable bars and pad of the small pill cutter holds the pill in place and cushions the squeeze for a more even cut without crushing. Non-slip textured prevents pill from sliding, improving cutting efficiency and pill integrity.【Durable and Safe】The blades of this pill splitter cutter are made of high quality stainless steel, which is not easy to rust and can stay sharp for a long time. The blade of the pill cutters professional will not be exposed, it will only be exposed from the blade protector when you use it, you don\'t have to worry about cutting your fingers when you use it, to ensure the safety of your fingers.【Easy to Use】You simply place the tablet into the pill cutter for small pills, rotate the gears and adjust the 2 bars to make sure the tablet stays in place, then press the top down evenly to the center. Medication cutter easily cuts small or large pills, tablets, vitamins, supplements into 1/2, 1/4, 1/8.

2024-09-28 12:08:46

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