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Dance Leotards For Women - Allure - Embroidered Floral Back Panel Leotard for Women Dance

상품번호 B09YLW9SWC
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상품가격 $29.99
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Dance Elite Embroidered Dance Leotard For Women About Us: As a company, we are committed to producing premium and functional dance practice wear. High quality for a competitive price; our fresh styles are exceptionally designed, expertly manufactured, and utilise performance fabrics. STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD WITH ALLURE (Leotard) The beautifully elegant and stylish nylon spandex tank leotard with cap sleeves, embroidered floral back panel and consealed front zip is sure to put you in the spotlight. The fashion-forward design combines all the practical aspects of the classic piece and seamlessly fuses it with the sensibility of modern-day fashion while still maintaining the freedom and flexibility that allows you to move and perform at your best. MORE REASONS TO BUY OUR FRESHLY DESIGNED LEOTARDS High-End Quality Fashion Forward Design High-Performance Fabric Competitively Priced Utilizes Modern Manufacturing Techniques Comfortable and Secure Stitching Inclusive Range of Size Breathable and Stretchy Product Info Material: Nylon Spandex and Nylon Lace Fabric Composition: 88% Nylon + 12% Spandex Color: Black Care Instructions: Hand wash with cold water. Do not iron, use bleach or dry clean the product, as doing so will deteriorate the quality of the fabric. Package Includes 1 x Elegant Black Leotard Elevate any performance with an elegant style. Add to Cart NOW!

2024-05-15 18:55:37

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