해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WORKPRO 5-Tier Metal Storage Shelving Unit, 48”W x 24”D x 72”H, Adjustable Storage Rack Heavy Duty Shelf, 4000 lbs Load Capacity (Total), for Garage, Kitchen, Bathroom, Warehouse, Black/Sliver

상품번호 B09Z67VNZ7
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상품가격 $154.99
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【Heavy duty 5-Tier Storage Shelving Unit】WORKPRO 5-tier shelving unit is ideal for organizing heavy-duty stuff with its sturdy structure and corrosion and rust-resistant metal frame. Simple but practical design is suitable for storing and displaying in many situations.【Adjustable Height】The height of each layer can be selected and adjusted according to your needs. There are two options when assembling. One is to build a whole of 5 tiers - 48” W x 24” D x 72” H. Another can be split into 2 separate shelves as individual unit - 3-tier shelving with 36” height and 2-tier shelving with 38” height.【Boltless Shelving】No nuts or bolts are required, you can assemble this shelving unit easily and quickly. A rubber mallet is recommended for assembly to tighten the shelving rack. It is also convenient when disassembled. This shelving is equipped with rubber footpads, which can protect the floor, add extra stability and avoid the shelving sliding accidentally.【4000 lbs Load Capacity】 Made of the high-quality metal frame, this shelving unit is more steadily and tough than normal garage shelves. The maximum capacity is up to 4000 lbs totally, 800 lbs per shelf, which can store much more stuff and tools in your garage or warehouse.【Multipurpose Storage Rack】 WORKPRO 5-tier storage shelving unit makes your workplace clean and tidy, enlarging storage space. It fits anywhere, such as the garage, storage, warehouse, basement, kitchen, living room, closet, bedroom, office, and more.

2025-01-08 23:08:55

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