해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NATROSES Preserved Real Roses in a Box Roses That Last Up to 3 Years, Long Lasting Roses Gifts for Her, Valentines Day Gifts for Her (Black)

상품번호 B09ZPSWZB7
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Grocery & Gourmet Food / Fresh Flowers & Live Indoor Plants
브랜드 Brand: NATROSES
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $36.99
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7 Selected Rosebuds: Every rose selected is 2-2.5inch in diameter. Only the best rose with healthy and robust leaves will be picked in every 100 roses.Lasting Roses: The selected roses will be made into preserved flowers after specially treated. The preserved flowers need no daily care and last for 2 to 3 years. Note: The preserved rose is inedible.Handmade Preserved Roses in a Box: Every preserved rose is elaborately designed and handmade by florists with at least 3-year experience. It is a thoughtful gift for your loved ones.Romantic Gifts for Her: The rose is a unique and romantic gift to impress others in any occasions, such as Valentines Day, Anniversary, Birthday, Mothers Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Weddings and Graduation.100% Satisfactory After-sales Service: All our item have 365 days warranty. If you are not satisfied receive a defective item, please contact us via Amazon email or Amazon directly for a replacement within 30 days.
Care Instructions: 1. Please prevent the preserved flower from moisture and sunshine. Do not expose it to the air for a long time in a wet room. It’s recommended to keep it in a dry environment in rainy or humid days. 2. The preserved flower is inedible. Please keep it beyond the reach of children. 3. Do not water the preserved flower or touch it frequently in order to keep it in good condition. 4. If the flower becomes dusty or damp after its exposure to the air for a long time, blow the dust away or dry it with a hair dryer on the cool setting. Take care of the rose, then it will maintain its natural beauty for 2 to 3 years, or even longer.

2024-05-16 20:50:27

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