해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EKSA Fenrir S Gaming Headset with Microphone, Noise Cancelling Mic, Comfortable Ear Pads, 50 mm Drivers, RGB Light, One Key Control, Gaming Headphones for PC, Xbox, PS4, PS5, Switch, Controller

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상품가격 $42.99
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【Quality Over-Ear Headphone】The EKSA Fenrir gaming headset is engineered with extra larger, deeper, and softer ear cushions that are glasses-friendly and house your ears perfectly, letting you play for hours without feeling weighed down by your headphones.【Unique New Design】The EKSA Fenrir gaming headset features an exclusive IP design with a werewolf image and monochrome lighting for a unique look. Get ready to pounce into a gunfight and immerse yourself in the game world.【Rotatable Noise-Cancelling Microphone】Fenrir over ear gaming headphone features a 120-degree rotatable microphone that lets you position your microphone in the most comfortable spot possible while still sounding crystal clear. The unidirectional microphone can effectively reduce environmental noise, so your teammates won\'t hear any static or interference in the background, with excellent sound quality.【Clear Powerful Sound】The EKSA stereo gaming headphone is designed for gamers looking for an edge. Its 50 mm drivers bring you superior sound clarity and deep, punchy bass to give you every advantage in your game. Every sound detail is heard when gaming, from the footsteps of enemies creeping up behind you to the triumphant roar of your character when you win.【Multi-Platform Compatibility】The EKSA Fenrir gaming headphone is a versatile, cross-platform headset that works with PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices via the 3.5 mm audio jack.

2024-07-11 00:32:12

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