해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kids Musical Piano Mats with 25 Music Sounds,Musical Toys Baby Floor Piano Keyboard Mat Carpet Animal Blanket Touch Playmat Early Education Toys for 1 2 3 4 5 6+ Year Girls Boys Toddlers

상품번호 B0B15BRVGT
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상품가격 $21.99
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Easy to Play:This music toy has 2 modes, the random mode can play 15 melodies, one-click mode has 10 music keys and 7 instrument sounds. you can adjust the volume of music blanket to choose the suitable volume for your kid.The sound of the mat music rewards the baby\'s liveliness and adds a lot of fun to the baby.25 Music Sounds:The musical mat contains 25 built-in sounds, including 7 instrument sounds,15 melodies and 10 music keys. This music play mat keeps your child fun for hours and also helps kids to gain music knowledge.High quality and safe piano music mat:The piano music mat is made of non-woven fabric, tasteless and non-toxic. High-quality fabrics do not hurt kids\' feet and it is easy to clean, but not water washing.Educational Music Toys:The piano music floor mat is colorful and can help children identify different colors and musical instruments and animals. Music can help children develop brains, memory, self-confidence, patience, imagination and temperament. It is an ideal gift for children\'s birthdays, Christmas and other holidays.Portable Music Mat:The music mat size is 43 x14 In.Foldable to 14.4x1.5 In.Powered by 3 AAA batteries (not included)Whether you are at home or on the go, you can easily use it. Will not be easily damaged by falling, suitable for children over 1 years.Foldable and lightweight: The piano music playmat is foldable and easy to carry. this dance mat with features clear sound and flashing light can help children to identify colors, It is easy to use when children hear music, they will sing and dance together, which will stimulate toddler’s visual and auditory senses, improving their eye-hand-foot coordination during stepping and tapping

2025-01-07 02:50:15

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