해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WOWBOX 25 PCS Clear Plastic Drawer Organizer Set, 4 Sizes Desk Drawer Divider Organizers and Storage Bins for Makeup, Jewelry, Gadgets for Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, Office

상품번호 B0B1M6ML2J
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상품가격 $24.99
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Premium Material:The drawer organizer is made of plastic which may be safely used. The transparent design makes it easy to find what you need quickly4 Combinations of Different Sizes: A set of cabinet organizer includes 25 storage bins of 4 different sizes; includes: 9 x 6 x 1.8 inches (3 pcs), 9 x 3x 1.8 inches (6 pcs), 6 x 3 x 1.8 inches (8 pcs), 3 x 3 x1.8 inches (8 cps)Long lasting and Non-Slip: The plastic has 3-5 times the impact strength of other materials and is robust and Long lasting; the bottom of the storage organizers has a non-slip design to prevent the tray from moving aroundStackable Design: These clear storage bins stack into one other to help maximize your space. Use them side by side to keep organized. The clear color allows you to save time and find what you need quickly and easilyVariety Storage Ways: These versatile Drawer Divider trays fit any part of your home; suitable for all kinds of drawers, such as bathroom / kitchen / office for organizing cosmetics, pins, accessories, jewelry, office supplies, utensils, etc

2025-01-08 17:12:11

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