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AEONS Under Desk Cable Management Tray Kit - Horizontal Adjustable up tp 41” Desk Organizer Removable C Clamp Mount Reversiable Computer Cord Raceway and Modesty Panel for Large Desk, Black

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상품가격 $63.99
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EASY NO DRILL INSTALLATION: use the mounting clamp to secure it to your desk. No drilling, No tools for installation and take off, clamp up to 3” tabletop); Reversible mounting clamps make it easy to install in a variety of configurations.VERSATILE AND MINIMALIST: Modern design keeps cable clusters out of sight, also functions as a modesty panel. Cable pass-through for easy access; Cable straps to keep cable further organized and fastened to tray.CLUTTER FREE SETUP: Prevents wire tangles; High capacity to keep power strips, adapters and accessories well hidden and organized.HIGH QUALITY: Commercial cold -rolled steel construction with powder coat finish for durability and aesthetic appearance. Two mounting methods compatible with a variety of tabletop materials.Adjustable: Two-Tray design with 5.2” of height, 6.4” of depth and 23” – 41” adjustable length, spacious for accommodating multiple powers strips or surge protectors as well. Fits larger desk of 48”, 55” or 63”. Together with monitor/laptop arm mount, keep work surface neat and comfortable.
The Under Desk Cable Management Tray is a practical solution for organizing wires, power strips in your workstation. Crafted from high-quality SPCC steel and finished with a durable powder coat, it aims to provide both durability and a clean look. Its cable pass-through configurations allow for mounting behind or beneath your desk, facilitating access to cables and power cords. With a reversible mounting design, installation can be customized to suit various setups. Specifications Color: Black Material: Cold Rolled Steel Dimension: 5.2” H x 6.4”D x adjustable 23” – 41” L Clamp: Up to 3” Net weight: 8.5 lbs. Weight Capacity: 25 lbs. Package includes 1 x Under Desk Cable Manager Tray Kit 1 x Desk Mounting Clamps Kit 1 X Mounting Screw Package Shipping information Shipping weight: 10 lbs. Shipping dimension: 24” x 7” x 6”.

2024-09-05 09:12:29

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