해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Neutrogena Hydro Boost + Eye Cream for Dark Circles & Puffiness, Under Eye Cream with Caffeine, Hyaluronic Acid and Peptides, Fragrance Free, 0.5 oz

상품번호 B0B3BX9PLP
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상품가격 $22.97
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0.5-ounce jar of Neutrogena Hydro Boost+ Caffeine Eye Gel Cream with hyaluronic acid, caffeine & peptide complex to reduce the look of dark circles, fine lines & puffiness around the eyesThis hydrating eye gel cream is formulated with Peptide Complex, which is known to help improve the look of dark circles, & Hyaluronic Acid, an essential hydrator naturally found in skin, to reduce the look of dark circles & undereye puffinessThe fragrance-free formula also features caffeine, a naturally occurring antioxidant that complements the skin\'s defenses, & is formulated without parabens, phthalates, dyes & is never tested on animalsFrom a dermatologist-recommended brand, Neutrogena Hydro Boost+ Unscented Caffeine Eye Gel Cream with hyaluronic acid & peptide complex targets dark circles, fine lines & puffiness to improve the look of skin in the eye areaTo use, apply a small amount in the morning & at night around the cleansed eye area & gently massage into skin; save the carton for important information & cautions. This hydrating eye cream makes a perfect addition to any daily skincare routine
Moisturize and reduce the look of dark circles, fine lines, and puffiness around the eyes with Neutrogena Hydro Boost+ Fragrance-Free Caffeine Eye Gel Cream formulated with Hyaluronic Acid, Caffeine and Peptide Complex. This eye gel cream from a dermatologist-recommended brand combines hyaluronic acid, an essential hydrator found naturally in skin, with peptide complex, known to help improve the look of dark circles and caffeine, a naturally occurring antioxidant that complements the skin\'s defenses. The fragrance-free under-eye cream improves the look of skin in the eye area and is not tested on animals. A great addition to any daily skin care routine, the caffeine eye cream is easy to use and paraben-, phthalate-, and dye-free. Apply a small amount in the morning and at night around the cleansed eye area, and gently massage into skin.

2024-11-28 23:25:32

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