해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LUXE WEAVERS Modern Geometric Wave Cream 4x6 Area Rug

상품번호 B0B3N8XQCQ
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상품가격 $60.00
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Actual dimensions: 4 feet 0 inches width by 5 feet 11.5 inches length. Based on where you are standing, cream and white colors may appear darker, lighter, or muted. Brush the fibers with your hand in one direction for your desired effect.NON-FADING FIBERS: Machine woven from durable, 100% polypropylene. Jute backing. Suitable for low and high-traffic areas of the home. Colors and rug dimensions may vary.MODERN PATTERNS: A high low effect creates wavy lined patterns. The difference in fiber height gives this rug a two-tone look, adding interest and softness to your floors. Warm LED bulbs add a yellow tint visually. Cool or white LED bulbs make rug appear lighter.GREAT PILE: Half-inch thick area rug gives comfortable cushion and will not obstruct doors. Stain-resistant, anti-dust, non-shedding, and dirt-resistant fibers. Safe for children and pet friendly.EASY MAINTENANCE: If your rug has ripples, unroll it, then reverse roll it tightly so that the design faces outward for 1 to 2 days. Lay rug flat and face down for 2 to 3 days to allow waves or ripples to relax. Spot-clean with a gentle carpet cleaner. Vacuum with a rotating brush.

2024-09-05 11:33:49

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