해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
A-Premium 12.58 inch (320mm) Front Vented Disc Brake Rotors Compatible with Select Nissan and Infiniti Models - Altima, Maxima, Murano, 350Z, 370Z, QX70, QX50, EX35, EX37, G25, G35, G37, M35, M37

상품번호 B0B3RJDD1W
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상품가격 $102.99
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【Perfect Fitment-1】Compatible with Infiniti EX35 2008-2012, EX37 2013, G25 2011-2012, G35 2005-2008, G37 2009-2013, M35/M45 2006-2010, M35H 2012-2013, M37/M56 2011-2013, Q40 2015, Q70 2014-2019, Q70L 2015-2019, QX50 2014-2015, QX70 2014-2017---Front Left and Right, Driver and Passenger Side【Perfect Fitment-2】Compatible with Nissan 350Z 2006-2009, 370Z 2009-2019, Altima 2006, Maxima 2005-2008, Murano 2005-2007/2011, Murano 2012-2014---Front Left and Right, Driver and Passenger Side【Reference Number】The A-Premium Vented Disc Brake Rotors\' reference number: R-31375, R31375, 980307R, PRT5611, 0832954, 12042080, 40206EG000, 40206CA010, 40206ZA500, D0206ZA500【Specification】Mounting Bolt Hole Quantity: 5; Outside Diameter (IN): 12.58; Discard Thickness (IN): 1.02; G3000 metallurgy and metallic coating of brake discs can effectively prevent rust and corrosion, extending the lifespan. Industry low runout and DTV specifications enable smooth disc operation, low dust, noise reduction, and excellent braking power.【Directly Fit】OE Replacement Disc Brake Rotors. Please enter your vehicle information in the top left corner of listing and check our "Special Note" before ordering

2024-05-16 08:36:17

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