해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ciays Toilet Bidet Non-Electric Bidet Toilet Attachment Dual Nozzles for Frontal/Rear Wash, Adjustable Pressure Control, Sliver/White

상품번호 B0B4B4QV4W
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상품가격 $23.58
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REFRESHING & HYGIENIC WASH: CIAYS bidet attachment with dual nozzles suits Feminine and Posterior Wash. Delivering a better refreshing cleaning experience more than using paper. The feminine mode keeps you clean during monthly cycles and comes in handy for new or expecting mothers.IMPROVED & ADJUSTABLE WATER PRESSURE: CIAYS’s improved water pressure provides a more gentler yet effective spray. Easily adjust to your preferred pressure through the control knob. Spining the knob allows you to control the water pressure accurately for a more enjoyable and extraordinarily clean!ULTRA SLIM & COMPATIBLE: CIAYS toilet bidet features an ultra-slim body, only 0.23" thick that is flawlessly compatible with your toilet without leaving a gap. The non-electric bidet attachment fits most standard toilets.NO LEAKAGE & GREAT QUALITY: CIAYS’s quality brass inlet effectively stops any leakages. This well-made bidet toilet seat attachment is durable for long-time use. Getting rid of leaky problems so you can live a productive life.PRESERVE & PLANT TREES WHILE SAVING MONEY: Choose CIAYS fresh water spray bidet, and become paper-free and eco-friendly. From saving a piece of tissue to saving a tree furthermore a forest.
Our products are designed and manufactured in line with the standards of the industry. The entire range of products offered by us is very popular in the markets for their afford ability and high durability nature.

2025-01-06 23:49:42

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