해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pack of 2 Silicone Spatula, Non Stick Cooking Utensil Set Wooden Handle Kitchen Turner for Baking Mixing Grilling Serving Food Heat Resistant Non Scratch Hooks Included (Black)

상품번호 B0B4D3SSPB
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상품가격 $13.99
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Essential Kitchen Tools. Badiano silicone utensil set is a must-have for every baker, professional chef, home cook or anyone who likes to bake or cook. Versatile silicone cooking utensils set includes a turner spatula for mixing batter, stirring soup, or scraping out sauce and a slotted turner for flipping burgers, eggs, and pancakes or lifting food to drain away oil and food juices. Silicone kitchen spatulas are also ideal for sauteing, serving cakes and pies, and folding ingredients.Excellent Craftsmanship. Rubber spatulas for nonstick cookware are made from heat resistant, and flexible but durable silicone material. Silicone kitchen utensils won’t scratch the surface of your pots and pans and won’t easily break, melt, or crack. For easy storage, our silicone utensils are built with a hanging hole. Each kitchen spatula is bundled with S-hook, allowing you to hang them up on your kitchen wall or any rail-based storage while freeing up counter tops or kitchen drawers.User-friendly Design. Each nonstick spatula feels lightweight and is designed with an ergonomic handle for a more secure and convenient grip while protecting your skin from being scalded especially when cooking, frying, or grilling. Seamless design makes these silicone utensils for cooking easy to clean. Hand wash is recommend using warm and soapy water to wash away food residue then hang to dry or wipe with a clean cloth.Practical Gift Idea. Our nice-looking, high quality kitchen spatula set makes an excellent birthday, wedding, anniversary, housewarming or holiday gift and will surely delight moms, kids, foodies, and any who has a passion for cooking and baking. for friends, relatives, and coworkers. Silicone head spatulas come in different colors with stainless steel handle.100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.: We are committed to make you stay happy with your purchase. We pride ourselves on providing top quality products and service for all our customers. But for any reason, if you are not completely satisfied, simply contact our friendly customer support within 30 days of the purchase and enjoy a Complete Refund or Brand New Replacement.

2024-02-13 10:50:17

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