해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Undersummers Shortlette Slip Shorts, Thigh Anti Chafing Shorts Women, Underwear with Leg Pockets and Leg Lace, 7”

상품번호 B0B4K3CRP7
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상품가격 $41.00
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Introducing our shortlette slip short with leg pockets and leg lace, crafted to empower you on your path to self-love and confidence. Our vision is to help provide solution-oriented garments that enhance your natural beauty without altering your body. Bid farewell to discomfort and revel in the freedom to be authentically you. Our under shorts for women are meticulously designed to help give lightweight coverage, ensuring enduring comfort throughout the day. No more fretting about chafing or irritating rubbing. Our slips help deliver the ideal coverage against the elements. At the core of our brand is the commitment to revolutionizing the fashion industry by putting your comfort, functionality, and self- expression first. Our slipshorts are more than just garments; they\'re a celebration of your distinctness, without endorsing unrealistic beauty standards. Revel in the confidence that may arise from embracing your natural self. We\'re here to redefine your perspective on undergarments, helping provide you with a chafe-free solution that lets your distinctive beauty shine. Embrace your journey, celebrate yourself.

2024-02-13 10:23:35

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국민은행   예금주: (주)카고맥스
고객센터 : 031-698-2301
상담가능시간 : 월요일 ~ 금요일 10:00 ~ 17:00
점심시간 : 12:00 ~ 13:00 / 토,일,공휴일 휴무
법인명 : (주)카고맥스 | 대표이사 : 허승철
사업자등록번호 : 501-87-00144 | 특별통관대상지정번호 : 20050101
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개인정보관리책임자 : 최정원 | 대표이메일 : cargomax2015@gmail.com
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