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2024 Upgrade 4K 56MP Digital Camera for Photography NIKICAM Vlogging Camera for YouTube with 180° Flip Screen, WiFi,16X Digital Zoom, 52mm Lens, 2 Batteries, 32GB Micro SD Card(Black)

상품번호 B0B4S26MZQ
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상품가격 $129.99
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【4K 56MP Digital Camera for Photography and Video】: The 4k video resolution and 56mp make this vlogging camera provide a smooth shooting experience. Recommend playing back photos and videos on a better display for better results【Vlogging Camera for Youtue】: 4K video camera has a 180 ° 3\'\' flip screen and can be used as a webcam, perfect for video calling, live streaming, blogging, tiktok etc. 4k digital camera also has HDMI output for playing back the videos on TV【Cheap Digital Camera with WiFi】:WiFi function enables each shot can wireless transfers to your smartphone or tablet for sharing, editing with photo apps or uploading to your favorite sites. You can even use the this app to control your camera remotely【Multiffunctional Point and Shoot Camera】:4K video camera support time-lapse, slow-motion, and pause features to make your videos more creative. The vintage camera support continuous shooting, smile face detection, beauty face, self-timer, and 19 filters【4K Photography Camera Kits】: You will get a 4k travel camera(5*3*2 inch size), a 52mm lens, 32GB Micro SD card, a Type-C cable, a dual charger, manual. Please note: NOT professional cameras. Pefect for beginners, kids, teens, students, elderly

2024-09-05 13:38:41

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