해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
REOLINK 4K Wired WiFi Outdoor Camera, 8MP Dual Lens Security Camera, 360 PTZ Camera w/Auto Tracking, 2.4/5GHz Wi-Fi Smart Person/Vehicle Detection, 6X Hybrid Zoom, Color Night Vision, TrackMix WiFi

상품번호 B0B4SB2CRD
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상품가격 $135.99
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AUTO TRACKING and 6X ZOOM: The dual telephoto lens and 360° wide-angle PT lens enable auto tracking and 6X hybrid zoom to closely follow and focus on the target. You can have an ultra-wide overview and a clear close-up look at the same time in one screen. PS: this WIRED wifi camera needs to be plugged into an adapter to get continuous power.SMART PERSON/VEHICLE ALERTS & PET DETECTION: This 4K security camera can smartly detects people and vehicles\' motion and send you real-time accurate alerts. The brand-new feature, Pet detection, can also allow you to keep an eye on cats and dogs. Rest your peace of mind anywhere anytime.ULTRA-WIDE FIELD of VIEW: The wide-angle lens provides 104°-38° horizontal and 60°-21° vertical viewing angles. The motion tracking camera can pan 355°, tilt 90°, and track the object at a distance of 50ft during the day and night, to realize all-around surveillance.8MP FULL-COLOR DAY & NIGHT: The 8MP wide-angle lens can bring you a 4K UHD sharp overview in color. The built-in spotlights enable bright and clear full-color images even on the dark night.FLEXIBLE STORAGE OPTIONS: The long range security camera supports up to 256GB microSD card (not included) , FTP, and Reolink NVR for storage. If you use it with Reolink NVR, please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for further help.

2024-09-05 14:10:33

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