해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
REOLINK 2K Solar Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, Argus Eco-B+Solar Panel, No Monthly Fee, Human/Vehicle Detection, 3MP Night Vision, 2-Way Audio, WiFi Home Security Camera Works with Alexa(2 Pack)

상품번호 B0B4SCBW5L
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상품가격 $139.99
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100% WIRE FREE: With built-in rechargeable battery and 2.4 GHz WiFi connection, the Argus Eco can be mounted anywhere with no cords or cables needed. Add Reolink Solar Panel to provide non-stop power, so you won’t have to climb up and down the ladder to recharge the battery periodically.ALARM IN MULTI WAYS: The battery camera can activate its siren (customizable) to warn off any threat detected within its 100° PIR detecting angle. It also sends push notifications and email alerts instantly when motion is detected, allowing you to act straightly to the uninvited.2K 3MP SUPER HD DAY & NIGHT: 3MP resolution delivers much clearer videos than 1080p. 6 infrared LEDs empower a 10m clear night vision. 10X digital zoom lets you closely see more details and have everything in control.RECORD WITH NO SUBSCRIPTION FEE: Videos can be securely stored locally on an SD card (up to 128GB, not included). which you can access and playback anytime and anywhere via Reolink APP/Client. No subscription fee for the supported functions.WEATHER RESISTANT & EASY INSTALLATION: The home security camera system is always ready for demanding weather conditions like rain, shine, or cold, so you can install it anywhere, especially outdoors. Thanks to its easy setup feature, you can set up and install this camera within 5 minutes.

2024-07-10 13:18:27

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