해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
33 Pcs Silicone Kitchen Utensils Set, Kitchen Cooking Utensils Set with Black Natural Walnut Hard Wood Handle, Silicone Utensils Set with Holder, Heat Resistant, BPA Free, Non Toxic, Black

상품번호 B0B55XZD8N
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✅ 100% NATURAL DURABLE BLACK WALNUT WOODEN HANDLE Unlike other ordinary easy-to-fading wooden handles on the market, this 33-piece silicone spatula is paired with a natural walnut handle to highlight the natural wood grain, After polishing, it can get a particularly good surface, the texture is clear and beautiful.The smooth lacquer coating on the surface makes it extremely durable, resistant to damage, Definitely a beautiful addition to any kitchen countertops!✅ PROFESSIONAL KITCHEN UTENSIL SET— 33 professional silicone kitchen utensil set will meet all your needs for cooking. We carefully selected different kinds of tools needed for kitchen use, such as flexible spatula, soup ladle, serving spoons pasta server, spatula turner, tongs, mesuring cup and spoons, 10 hooks, silicone mat and so on. It would be your great companion in the kitchen!✅ NONSTICK & HEAT RESISTANT - All silicone parts are heat resistant up to446°F, Even if they are used in the high temperature environment of frying, you don\'t have to worry that it will melt. Durable silicone enhance durability and toughness to keep the spatulas from bending or deformation. The right weight makes cooking easier, and the soft silicone prevents damage to your cookware✅ FOOD GRADE ODORLESS SILICONE –Each silicone cooking utensil is made of BPA free food grade silicone, which can be safely used for cooking any type of food and it won\'t retain odors or colors when you use it for stirring based food products. This natural material will be gentle on your cookware, will not harm the health of the family✅UNIQUE & COLLECTIBLE GIFT IDEA - Such a complete kitchen utensil set with delicate black walnutto handle, scarce and precious material give it timeless appeal. Clean lines and retro style make your kitchen more advanced. Walnutto wood should be hand-washed but not soaked in water. Please do not place them into dishwasher

2024-05-16 20:07:53

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